Telenor Instagram Packages

Telenor Instagram Packages Code 2024 Daily, Weekly, Monthly

Telenor Instagram Packages Code are available in Daily, Weekly and Monthly time duration. In Pakistan Telenor is one of the best network provider, and provide affordable Instagram Packages. In best and popular Social Media Platforms Instagram is one of them with huge users worldwide.

With Instagram Packages Telenor you can stay connected with your followers, Friends, and more. Without an Internet Package, you cannot use Instagram and any other applications. That’s why you need to Instagram Package Code for enjoying. 

Telenor provide a cheap and affordable offers in Pakistan. That’s why Telenor gain new users everyday. Now lets chek Instagram Packages Code that are available in 1 Day, 7 Days and 30 Days.

Telenor Instagram Packages Code

Dial *302# to subscribe Telenor Instagram Package Monthly and get 8 GB data for Instagram. You can subscribe any Telenor Instagram Offer buy dialing its activation code. To subscribe Daily Instagram Offer dial *10# and use 1.5 GB data for 24 hours.

Instagram Offers Code and more detail are mention below. You can choose any Instagram Bundle check his data and charges and simply dial activation code.

Daily Instagram Packages

Dial *10# to subscribe Telenor Daily Instagram Offer and get 1.5 GB to use Instagram. To use 1.5 GB data you can pay Rs. 15 charges and 1 more thing, you can use this offer from 6 AM to 6 PM.

Offer NameDaily Instagram Offers
Data1.5 GB
Timing6AM to 6PM
Validity1 Days
PriceRs. 15
Subscribe Code*10#

3 Days Instagram Packages

To use Telenor 3 Day Instagram Bundle dial *32# for subscription. You can use 3 GB data for 3 days in Rs. 44 charges. But this Instagram Offer in not avaliable for all time.

You can use this offer from 12 AM to 8 AM every day for 3 days. This 3 day offer is available in Telenor. With Zong Instagram Packages, Ufone and Jazz Insta you cannot able to enjoy 3 day insta offer. 

Offer Name3 Day Pack
Data1 GB
500 MB’s Timing12AM to 8AM
Validity3 Days
PriceRs 44
Subscribe Code*32#

Weekly Instagram Package

Instagram Package Weekly can be subscribe by dialing *71#. After dialing this code you are able to use 5 GB Instagram Data in Rs. 60. And like his name you can use this offer from 6 AM to 6 PM.

Offer Name6 to 6 Pack
Data5 GB
Timing6AM to 6PM
Validity7 Days
PriceRs. 60
Subscribe Code*71#

Monthly Instagram Packages Telenor

To subscribe Telenor Monthly Instagram Package dial *302#. Now you can use 8 GB data for 30 days. The charges of this offer is Rs. 370 you can pay this price to use Monthly Instagram packages.

And 1 more important thing you cannot 8 GB data for whole month 4 GB data is useable from  1AM to 7AM.

Offer NameMonthly Instagram
Data8 GB
4 GB Timing1AM to 7AM
Validity30 Days
PriceRs. 370
Subscribe Code*302#


Today here you can Telenor Instagram Packages Code, Charges and more more details. As we all are know is social platforms Instagram is most popular platform, and every network launched its Instagram Packages. In Pakistan Jazz Instagram Packages, Ufone and Zong provide the best packages that are available in daily, Weekly and Monthly validity.

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