Jazz Snapchat Packages Code 2024 Daily, Weekly, Monthly
Jazz Snapchat Packages Codes are available in Daily, Weekly and Monthly validity. Subscribe and use the most popular social media app called Snapchat. In our daily life we all a user of Snapchat to make reels and take pictures with its amazing features.
Here you can check Snapchat Packages Jazz with its subscription code, charges and data. Without internet we cannot use Snapchat. We have access the internet to use Snapchat and enjoy with its different filters. We will discuss about 1 Day, 7 Days and 30 Days Snapchat Packages.
With Daily Snapchat Offer you can get 1 GB data, or get 10 GB data with Snapchat Package Weekly and dial Jazz Snapchat Package Monthly Code to get 7 GB data for 30 days. Below you can find the code to subscribe these offers with affordable charges.
Jazz Snapchat Packages Code
Each Daily, Weekly and Monthly Snapchat Offer have different charges and data. You can find all the details below but to subscribe Jazz Snapchat Package Weekly dial *159# and get 7 GB data for 7days.
Jazz Snapchat Package Daily
Dial *117*4# to subscribe Jazz Daily Snapchat Package and get 1 GB data in Rs. 35. This is Jazz Daily Mega Offer in which you are ablr to use 1 GB data for 24 hours. Now take selfies and make a short videos with Jazz Daily Snapchat Bundle.
Name | Daily Snapchat Offer |
Internet | 1GB |
Validity | 1 Day |
Charges | Rs. 35 |
Snapchat Packages Code | *117*4# |
Jazz Snapchat Package Weekly
Dial *159# to subscribe Jazz Weekly Snapchat Offer. After dialing the subscription code you can get 10 GB data for 7 days. To use this Weekly Snapchat Bundle you need to pay Rs. 287.
Name | Weekly Snapchat Package |
Internet | 10 GB |
Validity | 7 Days |
Charges | Rs. 287 |
Weekly Snapchat Offer Code | *159# |
Jazz Monthly Snapchat Offer
To use Monthly Snapchat Package simply dial the subscription code *661# to get 7 GB data for 7 days. To enjoy this offer you need to pay Rs. 148 for 30 days.
Name | Monthly Snapchat Package |
Internet | 7 GB |
Validity | 30 Days |
Charges | Rs. 148 |
Monthly Snapchat Offer Code | *661# |
Also Check: Ufone Snapchat Packages |
Here you can check Snapchat Packages Of Jazz. The activation code and more details are mention. If you want to subscribe any package simply dial the subscription code to enjoy Jazz Snapchat Packages. Snapchat is popular around world include Pakistan. There are millions of user in daily routine and each network try to launched its own packages. With Snapchat these is Jazz TikTok Packages, you can check each package code and details.
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