latte vs cappuccino vs macchiato

Latte Vs Cappuccino Vs Macchiato Full Difference 2024

Cappuccino Vs Latte Vs Macchiato are three popular coffee drinks that differ in their ingredients, ratios, and serving sizes. A cappuccino is a smaller coffee created with espresso, steamed milk, and foam in equal amounts. Latte is a larger drink made with more steamed milk and less foam, and macchiato is a smaller drink made with equal parts espresso and steamed milk, with a dollop of foam on top.

These differences in ingredients and ratios result in distinct flavor profiles and varying caffeine and calorie content.

Latte Vs Cappuccino Vs Macchiato Difference

Now that we have a basic understanding of what each coffee drink is let us explore the differences between them.


The main difference between latte, cappuccino, and macchiato is the amount and type of milk used.

  • Latte: A latte has a higher milk-to-espresso ratio compared to cappuccino and macchiato. It is made with steamed milk and a small layer of frothed milk.
  • Cappuccino: A cappuccino has equal parts of espresso, steamed milk, and frothed milk. It has a thicker layer of frothed milk compared to a latte.
  • Macchiato: A macchiato has very little milk, just a small amount of frothed milk is added to the espresso shot.

Texture And Taste

The difference in milk ratios and preparation methods results in different texture and taste profiles for each coffee drink.

  • Latte: A latte has a smooth and creamy texture with a milder coffee flavor. The steamed milk makes it sweeter and less bitter.
  • Cappuccino: A cappuccino has a thick and frothy texture with a stronger coffee flavor. The frothed milk makes it more bitter and less sweet compared to a latte.
  • Macchiato: A macchiato has a strong and bold coffee flavor with a small amount of frothed milk adding a hint of sweetness.

Serving Size

Another difference between these coffee drinks is the serving size.

  • Latte: A latte is typically served in a larger cup than a cappuccino or macchiato.
  • Cappuccino: A cappuccino is typically served in a smaller cup compared to a latte.
  • Macchiato: A macchiato is usually served in a demitasse cup, which is even smaller than a cappuccino cup.

Milk To Espresso Ratio

The milk-to-espresso ratio is one of the most significant differences between these three drinks. Equal proportions espresso, steamed milk, and foam are used to make a cappuccino, whereas more steamed milk and less foam are used to make a latte. A macchiato, on the other hand, has a small amount of steamed milk and is mostly espresso.


The strength of these drinks also differs. A cappuccino has a stronger espresso flavor because of the equal parts of espresso and milk, while a latte has a milder espresso flavor. A macchiato has a very strong espresso flavor because it is mostly espresso.

Cappuccino Vs Latte Vs Macchiato Caffeine 

here are the main differences in terms of caffeine content between cappuccino, latte, and macchiato:

  • Cappuccino typically has a stronger coffee flavor and a higher caffeine content compared to latte and macchiato due to the equal ratio of espresso to steamed milk.
  • Latte has a lower caffeine content compared to cappuccino and macchiato because it contains more steamed milk and less espresso.
  • Macchiato has a stronger coffee flavor and a higher caffeine content compared to latte due to the equal ratio of espresso to steamed milk, but it has a smaller size than cappuccino, so the caffeine content is slightly lower.
Coffee DrinkCaffeine ContentEspresso to Milk Ratio

Cappuccino Vs Latte Vs Macchiato Calorie

here’s a brief summary of the calorie differences between cappuccino, latte, and macchiato:

  • Cappuccino typically has the lowest calorie count of the three due to its smaller serving size and equal ratio of espresso to steamed milk.
  • Latte has a slightly higher calorie count than cappuccino because it contains more steamed milk, but it is still a relatively low-calorie drink.
  • Macchiato has the highest calorie count of the three due to its equal ratio of espresso to steamed milk and the addition of foam or whipped cream on top.

And here’s a table summarizing the differences in calorie count between these coffee drinks:

Coffee DrinkCalorie Count

Again, the exact calorie count can vary based on the size and ingredients used in each drink, but this table should give you a general idea of the calorie differences between cappuccino, latte, and macchiato.

Which Coffee Drink Is Right For You?

Choosing the right coffee drink depends on your personal preference and taste.

  • If you prefer a milder coffee flavor with a sweeter taste, a latte is a good choice.
  • If you prefer a stronger coffee flavor with a bitter taste, a cappuccino is a good choice.
  • If you prefer a bold coffee flavor with a hint of sweetness, a macchiato is a good choice.

The choice between cappuccino, latte, and macchiato ultimately comes down to personal preference. And If you prefer a stronger espresso flavor and a thicker foam, cappuccino is the right choice for you. If you prefer a milder espresso flavor and a larger size, latte is the way to go. If you like a very strong espresso flavor with very little milk, a macchiato is the perfect choice for you. It all comes down to your taste preferences and what you are in the mood for.


Latte Vs Cappuccino Vs Macchiato are all popular coffee drinks with distinct differences in their ingredients, texture, taste, and serving size. Understanding these differences can help you choose the coffee drink that best suits your taste preferences. Whether you prefer a mild and sweet latte or a strong and bitter cappuccino, there is a coffee drink out there for you.


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